Another 24 hr OCR World Championship hits the U.S.?

Who knew?  One day as I was surfing social media, I hear Ryan Atkins mention that Platinum Rig is bringing a 24 hour competition to the states!!!  Like most enthusiasts, I’ve heard of this line of rigs and how formidable they were. Does anyone remember Battle Frog?  They introduced some of these rigs in their events before they said goodbye.  As inquiring minds want to know, I reached out to these folks to learn more.  They kindly responded and set up an interview with one of their people.  Turns out Hélène Dumais is quite the endurance athlete herself and she shared the details.  This as you’ll find is quite a different approach to OCR as we know it.  I don’t want to spoil the details, you’ll have to listen to find out what’s on tap.  I will share that this event is claiming to be an OCR World Championship and is slated for August of this year on the East Coast!  For more details and registration visit

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