Critical Active Recovery Tips for Endurance Athletes

Tim SimanskyEvery athlete that follows our show knows that recovery is critical to performance and health. Unfortunately, too few practice effective active recovery. This is especially true among Obstacle Racing Athletes. Our featured guests; Dr. Tim Simansky, commonly known as “The Wod Doc” and Elite Spartan Pro athlete Hunter McIntyre are on to share opinions and expertise on the topic of foam rolling and other tools that are great for keeping the body in great repair. Be sure to visit after the podcast to learn more about the Movement Manifesto.


It is estimated that Americans sit 9.3 hours a day, which is even more time than we spend sleeping (7.7 hours). Our bodies weren’t built for that, and it’s starting to take a toll. Sitting 6 or more hours per day makes you up-to 40% likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than three. Even if you exercise for 1 hour a day, your risk is still higher if you sit for long periods in the day.

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