How to become an Obstacle Maniac

obstacle maniacsObstacle Course Racing is hot. Anyone that does an OCR event knows what I am talking about. Some say that they suffer from PRTSS (post-race traumatic stress syndrome), once the race is over, the buzz starts to ware off and the competitors begin to miss the race community they have come to love and respect.

Enter Obstacle Maniac, the brain child of Gary Borad and Craig Covington founders of the social site geared to promote post-race banter among the people who collectively understand this experience and want to talk about it beyond the race weekend. Sure, there are other sites that cover the goings on of the race favorites, the elites and pros of the sport but they get plenty enough coverage. Certainly, the familiar names and faces appear but they share the lime light with the mid packers who are proud of their efforts and are hungry for more chatter about all things OCR. If you are one of these folks and have been looking for a place to share your happiness post event, it would serve you well to visit obstaclemaniac

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