Hunter McIntyre – Unvarnished!

Hunter McIntyre chats with Richard Diaz
Dark Horse Training
Coach Diaz & Ryan Fischer’s program

Hunter McIntyre was the hero of Spartan Racing. He brought color and attitude to the competitions and basically made things fun. Today he has retooled his skills with focus on an attempt at The CrossFit Games. He needed a miracle to get in, he needed to become a different type of athlete to even have a chance. Now, with 3 weeks out from the Games, he earned both. As a long time friend and coach, we know each other well enough to have an “unvarnished” conversation and we did just that! We spoke about Spartan Race, both the good and the bad, his chances at the games and his hope in being able to return and compete at The Lake Tahoe Spartan World Championships this year. You don’t want to miss this episode!

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