Making the Transition from Heel Striking to Forefoot Running

transition-from-heel-strikeIt’s a pretty well known fact in most running circles that heel striking and over striding leads to injury. Many runners have made the shift to forefoot running and in doing so have migrated to zero drop shoes.  Unfortunately for many, this transition has not come easy and has lead to a variety of new problems such as debilitating calf and achilles soreness. Coach Richard Diaz addresses these concerns, and offers some advice on how best to approach this transition and sheds light on the likely culprits that lead to these problems, what to do when these problems arise along with an opinion on the decision regarding zeros drop as a shoe selection. 

Is zero drop right for you?

How long should this transition in running style take? 

When obstacle course racing, should you train in one style of shoe and race in another?

These answers and more in this episode.

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