Transitioning from Heel Striking to Mid-Foot Running

Dr. Emily SplichalEver since Born to Run was released there has been a revolution from heel striking to “Natural” mid foot running. This revelation has spurred huge shifts in running shoe manufacturing and many runners who have made an attempt to this transition without proper guidance have suffered an entirely new set of injuries. Join me (Richard Diaz) and my guest Dr. Emily Splichal, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, and Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy as we discuss how the body reacts to ground force impact, the challenge and reward of making this transition and how our running shoes influence our running.  We discuss the importance of minimal shoe wear during Obstacle Course Racing and much more.

If you are plagued with running injuries, are confused by marketing hype from the running shoe industry or simply want to learn more about these concerns, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. #barefootstrong #diazhumanperformance #EBFA

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