OCR for Beginners

OCR for Beginners

OCR for Beginners! There is so much to know and learn if you’ve never participated in a Spartan race or any other OCR event, such as Tough Mudder, Savage Race. The first thing you should know is that they are addicting! It seems people can’t get enough of them, almost to a fault. In OCR for Beginners we discuss things you need to work towards, what’s important, what is less important, basically things you need to know to crush your first Spartan Race!

Your host, Richard Diaz is recognized around the world for the success he’s provided to some of the top athletes in the sport with a few world champions and many other elite athletes that have been influenced by his coaching. Leah Duhon is a fierce competitor who’s skills revolve around obstacle expertise is our co host and is on board to share some tips that will help you succeed in your first event! To see more on this topic, be sure to visit the YouTube page for this and other great videos to make you a better athlete!

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