Powerful Tips to Improve Grip Strength and Running Injury Free

Dr-Emily-SplichalLearn a few simple exercises that will greatly reduce your incident of upper and lower body injuries that are common among runners and OCR athletes from the ground up offered by Dr. Emily Splichal, world renowned podiatrist and human movement specialist.  In the sport of Obstacle Racing there are a lot of demands placed on grip strength. Improper approach to training and racing can result in extensive injuries to both the upper and lower extremities. Dr. Emily shares a few exercise techniques that develop “stability from the ground up– foot to core” by adopting these simple exercises you will gain a significant improvements in running skill, upper body strength while greatly reducing the incident of injury.

The host of “The Natural Running NetworkRichard Diaz says: “This episode, I believe provides the most powerful and useful take away training advice we have offered all year.  I’ve spent over two decades working with athletes many of whom battle with nagging injuries that hamper their performance potential.  Dr. Emily is on the cutting edge of evidence based sports science and her research on the subject of developing functional stability is unparalleled.

If you put your body to task you should not only listen to this episode over and over until you completely understand these concepts, you should also share it with your friends”.

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