Running Naturally – Dealing with Injuries

Running Naturally - Dealing with Injuries

If you run, you had to have been dealing with injuries and follow the concepts and rationale for shifting to “Running Naturally”.  Odd’s are you have been working at it, changed to a more minimal design in shoe selection and through it all, thus far, you’ve come up lame!

Injury, frustration yet still feeling you are on the right path, that the frustration will result in success and are not about to give up, you need to hear this. You could be approaching the work all wrong! It’s not the process, it’s the practice.

Listen as Coach Diaz feels your pain and discusses the posible culprits, how to abate the problems and put to use some self help treatments to get you through the rough spots in your quest to become a better runner.

As you will soon learn, this is an audio version of the video version posted on our YouTube page. to gain a better appreciation for this content we recommend you visit the site to see it After you finish your workout!

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