The Natural Running Network Q&A show with “The Coach”

FridayOnce again we requested questions from inquiring athletes and got rave responses to do so. The obstacle course racing community is eager to learn what it takes to perform optimally and the had a lot of questions, so many that we could not cover them all in this one episode  Questions like:

  • How often should I strength train vs. Run?
  • How can you tell which  event distance is best for your genetic make up?
  • How accurate is the VO2max score my watch reveals?
  • How do I adjust my nutrition relative to the type of distances I race?
  • How should I adjust my running style when going up or down hills?

This is the time of year when the races tend to fall off and the athletes should be in rebuild and regeneration mode for the coming 2017 Spartan Race season. Tune in to hear what Richard Diaz had to say in response to these burning questions and be sure to tune into future episodes to learn more.


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