The Run Clinic Road Show… what you need to know to Run and Perform Your Best!

clinicccOver the years Richard Diaz (our host) and diaz human performance has put on elite caliber running clinics all over southern California. The impact of this training and education is so dramatic that athletes from all over the country go through great pains to attend and or visit for personal coaching and evaluation.

Our current project is to put on a Two Day Running Clinic and Lab Testing by invitation in Baton Rouge Louisiana on the 27th-28th of February (registration deadline is quickly approaching Jan. 25th 2015). In order to provide a detailed explanation of what to expect for those interested, we decided to offer the details direct from the horse’s mouth! Richard Diaz along with forward statement’s from Elite Spartan Pro OCR Athlete Hunter McIntyre and hosts Richard and Emily Rachal is onboard to share all the pertinent details.  For quick registration visit:




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